Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Short Skirt, L-O-N-G Jacket!

If you don't know the Cake song I pulled the title from, then go check it out with the music player at the bottom of my blog. I've set it as the first song for a while so you can hear it if you want.

Ok, ever since Megan was about 7 or 8 months old, she's loved the band Cake. I don't know why, but she does. Now Jeremy likes them, too. The other day I heard Jeremy walking down the hall singing, "He's going for speed, he's all alone, all alone!" from their song The Distance. So on Monday we were driving to the grocery store and listening to a CD my dad made for me with about four Cake songs on it and Short Skirt, Long Jacket came on. There's a line in it that says, "I want a girl whose eyes burn like cigarettes." Wanna know what Megan asked me after she heard that line?

"Mom, why does he want a girl with stinky eyes?"

I love it!


Jess said...

hahaha! i love megan!! give her a hug for me, will ya? and tell her i miss her..

optoblog said...

That is classic!
Cake rules.
Yes, fetor oculus can be a desirable trait in a woman if you are in to that sort of thing...

Anonymous said...

Yes I love her response!

Summer said...

Stinky eyes! LOL!

janeen said...

megan is a riot!

Janelle said...

Not so much for the video, but here's a great song for you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ypVe2DbhxXQ