Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Some Things Just Shouldn't be Homemade

So the other night Nathan and I were chatting before falling asleep, even though we were exhausted, and the subject of sailing around the world came up. It used to come up all the time (Nathan has an obsession) and this was the first time in quite a while so I just let him go with it.

Eventually, as it nearly always does, the topic turned to what we would eat while doing said sailing.

I informed Nathan that I would keep a deep freeze in the boat. Stocked with beef. And some chicken. But mostly beef.

Then Nathan went on to remind me that sailing around the world will take a few years.

That's when I reminded him that we'd get to stop along the way and buy beef. And chicken. But mostly beef.

According to Nathan we'll eat mostly fish. My whole self disagrees with this. My tongue, my teeth, my stomach, my brain, my toes--yeah, pretty much everything.

Then he said something that if I hadn't been laying down in my comfy bed with nice warm blankets on me would have made me go to the bathroom and hurl.

"I could make tuna."

Um, ew. Yes, I will on occasion (like every 6 months) agree to eat tuna, but you see, tuna belongs in a can already cut up and ready for consumption. The idea of homemade tuna from tuna Nathan would catch while we're sailing, is disgusting to me. As I think about it now my mind goes back to the same images it created when he came up with the idea--Nathan taking a fork to a fat fish and shredding it.

Ew. I have to go puke now.


Little GrumpyAngel said...

I was going to say have you tried seared Ahi-Tuna at Outback, because it is way good, BUT you can't really change someone's preference for food. It has something to do with taste buds. I think your husband should include stop overs for beef shopping on your journey around the world or he will starve you and will wish he never left home:-)

JerieH said...

Oh man, if Kurt talked that way i would tell him if he didn't agree for beef stops he would be sailing alone!

kollers said...

You guys are so funny and have great imaginations! Your blog cracks my up and I love your hidden children pictures!

Barbara said...

This is so funny! Ew....I would have to have chicken on my travels. Don't like beef either. Keep up the good work Kellie. You are a great writer!

Bryan said...

Great post, and I whole-heartedly agree. Salt water tafee (sp?) is the only sea-food I can tolerate... but I like the mostly beef idea.

also known as shell said...

yeah totally sick!


seriously even thinking aobut it the shredding...

Zann said...

I'd like to see a picture of Nathan making tuna. I'd like to eat some tuna made by Nathan. Let me know when it hits the shelves.

Leanne said...

I could not sail around the world anyway, all that water makes me nervous and I hate fish.

Melanie said...

I used to live at the coast with my Grandmother and she would buy tuna straight off the boats, take it home, and can it herself. No kidding, it made store bought canned tuna forever disgusting in comparison. So, I guess I'm a tuna fan, canned and straight off the boat (but cooked). But I just love seafood. Okay, continue barfing.