Saturday, March 14, 2009

Strangely Attractive

My sister in-law, Sarah, is one of the most talented people I know. She has made fantastic quilts for each of my kids.


She recently started a blog to sell her quilts as well as some really cute aprons that she's made. So far she only has the aprons up, but she will get some quilts on there as soon as she finishes more. She does all the stitching by hand and her stuff is beautiful.

As far as pricing goes, I think they're a steal. And if you've been on etsy recently, you'll probably think so, too.

Child Sizes:

3-6 are $10.00 each,

7-10 are $12.00 each

Adult Sizes:

half aprons are $15.00 each,

full and reversible half aprons are $20.00 each

reversible full aprons are $25.00 each

So here's my big plug for her. Go to her website Strangely Attractive and order yourself or a friend a sweet apron or (when she has the quilts up) a beautiful quilt.

BTW she did a gorgeous butterfly quilt that my kids adore, but it's at Grandma's house, otherwise I'd post a picture of that one, too. But I just found on her blog on the labels section there is 1 item under quilts and it's the butterfly quilt she made for her little boy. So go and see how cool it is!!


Danyelle Ferguson said...

Sounds awesome! I'll go check it out. Are you coming to conference in April?

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness gracious! those are beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!

i thought i sent you an email about my new blog? i guess you didn't get it though :( i am sorry about that.

i added you to my sidebar..i hope you don't mind :)