Thursday, August 14, 2014

Emma Turns Six!

So, apparently I mainly only do blog posts for birthdays. Probably because there's a level of guilt involved if I don't. Anyone else relate?

Without further ado, since it's already waited almost 3 months,

Happy Birthday, Emma!

If you can't tell by the dress, the party had a Frozen theme. My kids, like every other child in the world, are obsessed with Frozen and we've had to have many talks about the movie and in particular, Elsa's Let It Go song. But that's a post for another day.

Here's a picture of Emma's cake.

The party was fun. We played hot potato, but called it Frozen Snowball and used a Styrofoam ball as the "potato." We also played pin the nose on Olaf. I had pictures of the games, but I couldn't find them. :(

So here are some fun things about Emma now that she's 6!

Emma is a lovable girl who is very affectionate.
She has a massive amount of energy.
She loves to smile.
Emma is dang smart. That girl has been hiding her reading skills in an attempt to have everyone read to her. :)
She loves reading comic books, Calvin and Hobbes and Fox Trot usually since that's what we have in the house and I won't let the kids touch my Sheldon comics.
Emma is excited for school this year, for which I am grateful. It certainly makes it easier for me.
Emma is brave. I don't mean in a reckless way, just that she is willing to try new things that may seem scary if Nathan or I am there encouraging her.
Emma loves the chickens. I find her outside all the time carrying one of them around like it's a baby. I think they are finally getting used to her. :) And her Easter Egger finally started laying! We found a greenish egg in the nesting boxes last night!

Emma, I love you! You are a sweet, fun girl and I am so glad that you are part of our family. Thanks for keeping me on my toes, teaching me patience, and for all the hugs, kisses, and "I love you, moms."

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